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My name is Eric Bangi and I am currently taking a writing and rhetoric class at UNC Charlotte. I have created this e-portfolio for my class as a place to showcase my work this semester as well as to offer my thoughts on writing and on myself as a writer. There are five different sections to this portfolio: in the digital section, you will see a digital rhetorical analysis; in the writing section, you will see my favorite pieces of writing; in the inquiry section, you will see my blog and multimodal project on my chosen inquiry topic; in the thinking section, you will see work from my daybook and blog posts; and in the process section, you will see the trajectory of a chosen piece of writing. Enjoy!

As you can see in this video, I like to have a good time with my friends. One thing we like to do together is dance, and it's been a hobby that has kept our friendship alive for a while. 


Anyway, in this portfolio, you will be able to find most of my work from this year's english 1102 class with Ms. Andrews. She's a great teacher who makes the class enjoyable throughout the year! Although this is one of my weaker subjects, I enjoy  writing random rap lyrics on the side. Don't worry, I'm not a rapper. 

MY THEME for this portfolio is called the EGO. In psychology, your ego is "the part of the mind that mediates between the conscious and the unconscious and is responsible for reality testing and a sense of personal identity." I think this fits because all of my work is a result of my ego; I consciously created my sense of identity by writing in my own original way.  

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